Friday, March 27, 2015

Student success statement
Abraham lincoln
“I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody
That stands right, and stand with him while he Is right, and part with him when
He goes wrong.”

Reflection: basically what this statement is saying is stand with the people that are
Doing right not doing drugs or causing any trouble because that is not being true and
To be true is to stand by the side of people that do right that chooses the right and has
The good vibes.

April fool’s day
When is April fool’s day?
April fool’s day is on the first of April

What is the purpose of April fool’s day?
the purpose of April fools day is to basically trick people sort of like a joke that’s not true
also a very funny day.

What are a few theories behind April fool’s day?
They say that the romans celebrated the day of April the first because that day new year
Day changed also a day were people are able to make white lie

What are a few pros and cons  of April fool’s day?
A pro about April fool’s day is you could tell little jokes to have a life also can make a
Couple of people laugh a con about April fool’s day is some people might take the joke
Serious or maybe someone will get hurt

Another name for April fool’s day is (all fool’s day)

I also like the holiday but only sometimes

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Student success statement
“Great beauty, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all”
Benjamin franklin

Reflection: what this statement is saying is great beauty and great strength is not
What really matters it’s the heart that really matters because that’s what really
Counts and everybody loves someone with a good heart because they are always

Good people.
Stdudent success statement
“character is higher than intellect”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reflection: what this statement is saying is character really matters and its critical to have a really good character because if you don’t you wont have a good life